7. The following information shall be entered on the registers prescribed in section 54 of the Act:(1) for the register of tutorship to minors:(a) the file number of the Public Curator;
(b) the name of the tutor or tutors;
(c) the provision in a will, a statement, protection mandate or a judgment, if applicable, appointing the tutor or tutors;
(d) the name of the minor;
(2) for the register of tutorships to persons of full age:(a) the file number of the Public Curator;
(b) the name of the tutor or tutors;
(b.1) the nature of the tutorship;
(c) (subparagraph repealed);
(d) the date and number of the judgment of appointment of the tutor or tutors;
(e) the name of the person of full age;
(f) any change in the tutorship and the date of such change;
(g) if applicable, a mention to the effect that the court has modified or clarified the rules concerning the capacity of the person of full age under tutorship;
(3) (paragraph revoked);
(4) for the register of homologated protection mandates :(a) the file number of the Public Curator;
(b) the name of the mandator;
(c) the name of the mandatary or mandataries;
(d) the date of the mandate;
(e) the type of mandate;
(f) the date and number of the judgment of homologation;
(g) the date of the end of the mandate, if stipulated;
(h) the date and number of the judgment of revocation of the mandate or the judgment replacing the mandatary or mandataries or the date of acceptance of office by the replacement mandatary, where applicable;
(5) for the register of authorizations for the temporary representation of an incapable person of full age:(a) the file number of the Public Curator;
(b) the name of the person of full age;
(c) the name of the temporary representative or representatives;
(d) the date and number of the judgment authorizing the temporary representation;
(e) the date, if known, of termination of the temporary representation;
(6) for the register of assistants to persons of full age:(a) the file number of the Public Curator;
(b) the name of the assistant or assistants;
(c) the beginning and end dates of the recognition of the assistant or assistants; and
(d) where 2 assistants are recognized, whether the exercise of their office is joint or otherwise.